Friday, October 15, 2004

Supplication Letter #2


From: Sir Gribbles, Dragon Slayer

A thousand salutations upon the good people in your company. Let me introduce myself. I am SIR FORQUILLIDAR GRIBBLES, (of the house of Von Dikkle.) I am a Dragon Slayer by trade, but of late I have fallen upon penury and hard times.
Life as a Dragon Slayer has always been hard; I myself have risked my life on several occasions whilst carrying out my professional duties - rescuing wenches, defending rustic villagers, and doing the biddings of various Earls and Barons. The pay has been low, and, more often than not, non-existent. However, there have always been plenty of grateful people, and they have given me plenty of gifts in return for my duties - a spare goat here, a tankard of ale, a night with the Tavern Harlot - and aside from the occasional week here or there, I have never gone without a bed to sleep in or a meal.
Nevertheless, the quantity and quality of dragons to be slain has dropped off quite significantly lately; so much so that many of my fellow Dragon Slayers have turned to other jobs. My good friend, POMPILIUS ERGOMATIC THE SECOND, who made quite a name for himself in the Middle Ages when he destroyed Inglebingiar the Green-Firedrake with one hand tied behind his back, has indeed given up on the Dragon Slaying profession altogether. He suggests that I turn my skills to a more lucrative and - indeed - less risky profession, such as Typing, Reception, or Administration.
I, however, cannot agree with him there - I have always been a Dragon Slayer, and it is too late for me to learn new skills now, even if I want to. I have therefore decided to register with various Job Agencies, in the hope of more effectively spreading the word about my Dragon Slaying.
I will therefore close by appending to this Epistle a brief resume, listing my skills and experiences, and some contact details, in the hope that you will be able to help me in my quest to find some more dragons to slay and wenches to rescue.

I am,
As Ever,
Yours Faithfully,
And Most Veritably,


Birthplace: New Bonn, Germany

Experience: Rescuing Wenches
Dealing with Earls, Barons, and various Potentates
Destroying Ogres, Trolls, Various Heroic Activities, & co & co.

Contact Me On:

Let's see how they deal with that one...

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