Sunday, May 15, 2005

Position Vacant


Must be able to Stereotype at a speed of over 40 biases per minute (40bpm). We want the faster prejudgers in the business!

PS No blacks, rednecks, whites, left-wingers, right-wingers, centre-wingers, men, women, homosexueals, heterosexuals, transexuals, bisexuals, hermaphrodites, androgynites, animals, vegetables, minerals, aliens, upper class, lower class, middle class, any other class, chinese, koreans, asians of any type, french, italians, americans, australians, people with red hair, people with blond hair, people with hair or people with no hair, amputees, non-amputees, people who would like to be amputees, people who have ever known amputees and everyone else, no children, adults, old people, babies, people with non babies, orphans, people who watch Seinfeld, people who watch the Simpsons, people who don't watch the TV at all, people in general etc etc etc.... We are an ENE (equal nonopportunity employer.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Oh, good! I qualify!

    Because I'm the ONE thing that you forgot to mention: An Albino (therefore, colourless) illegal (therefore, non-entity) alien (therefore non-human)!


    Red... errr, I mean
