Saturday, December 10, 2005

Coburg - A Photo Essay

When I first moved to Melbourne, and heard about Sydney Road, I wanted to move there. Why? So that whenever people asked me, "So where do you live in Melbourne," I would reply, "In Sydney."
Well, it amuses me. Several months on, I'm living in a place near Sydney Road, which is probably as close as I'm going to get. Anyway, it makes more grammatical sense to say, "I live near Sydney Road" than "I live in Sydney Road". Who the hell lives 'in' a 'road'? So I guess things have ended up pretty well.

Sydney Road runs through Brunswick and Coburg; odd suburbs both of them. Brunswick is an industrial suburb that has in the past twenty years or so been infested by mobsters, artists, and yuppies (if they'd just stopped with the mobsters, it would have been alright.) Coburg was once home to the pleasant Pentridge Prison - apparently dubbed the 'College of Knowledge', but since has become a little gentler. Now it only turns up a couple of potential terrorists. I guess it's all part of the diverse tapestry of multicultural Australia ...

Anyway, enough talk. Here's a couple of snaps of the area that should give you a better idea what I'm talking about ...

Wildlife driving down Sydney Road.

"Dear Mum and Dad,
Wow! I've finally found it! You never need to go hungry again! It's the ultimate nut factory!

So, what will it be? Ten boxes of cashews, or twenty?


PS - Hope I'm not driving you 'nutty' with all this!"

Third poster along: they sell some interesting snacks at this store ...

Now's the time to start buying real estate. Note the decorative use of barbed wire ... *

*Note: this last photo is from the net; mine didn't come out well. Incidentally, Pentridge Prison is just across the road from the Moreland Council Chambers. What does that say about the place of local politicians in the social ladder, eh ...?


  1. Anonymous1:04 am

    I like you am from newcastle

    and spookily enough, I am saving my 5c pieces to move to sydney rd brunswick

    So i read your blog for hints, but today you slagged brunswick.

    Dont slag brunswick, its not newcastle and even newcastle is not that bad.

  2. You'll probably find that your 5c pieces can get spent pretty easily on the Brunswick end of Sydney Rd. I'm on the Coburg end, myself, just down the road from the college of knowledge.

    I like the factories and industrial part of Brunswick myself more than the arty part (I've never seen a factory I don't like!), but both have something to say for them.

    As for Newcastle, if they could just get some more jobs in that city already!, then things would be alright.

    You can probably get to Melbourne from Newcastle for under a hundred dollars. Train or plane. It's what I did (a train taking a plane - hah! - ehrm, excuse me ...)

  3. And yet, you know, I was just amused by this post. Obviously I'm not taking you seriously enough!

  4. I don't know the meaning of the word serious. Seriously.

  5. Anonymous9:33 pm

    Obviously, your comment about local government has been slightly overtaken by events.

    About 3 years ago when they started redeveloping pentridge into apartments.

  6. About 3 years ago when they started redeveloping pentridge into apartments.

    True, but it still retains its unique rustic charm and it's quaint character.
