Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fully-grown bunny likes to look at pictures of other fully-grown bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits

"So it's true," says Daffodil Bunny. "I like to look at pictures of other fully-grown bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits. And what of it?"

Daffodil Bunny: confesses to looking at pictures of other bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits.

The fully-grown white bunny with brown spots has sparked controversy when admitting to his habit of watching other fully-grown bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits.

"Sometimes I like to look at videos," continues Daffodil. "I like to look at videos of fully-grown bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits hopping around, eating grass, going into burroughs, or twitching their cute little noses. In Hugh Hefner suits. But sometimes, just pictures will do."

Amid widespread political outrage, Daffodil Bunny has agreed to show us his collection of pictures of other bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits. His collection ranges from "Playbunny" magazines, which feature a wide range of bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits; videos of bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits; framed pictures of bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits; and even trading cards of fully-grown bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits.

However, there are concerns that Daffodil Bunny's habit could eventually lead him to a life of crime.

POLL: Do you think bunnies looking at other bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits could lead them to a life of crime?
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Daffodil Bunny rejects all claims that he is objectifying Hugh Hefner. "I am not ashamed about my habit, not at all," he claims. "I do it because I really, really respect Hugh Hefner. Really. My habit of looking at pictures of other bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits is my way of expressing that respect. Also, I think he's cute."

The controversy caused by the confession of Daffodil Bunny and other users of "Playbunny" magazine looks set to continue. However, as Patch Bunny, professor of Sociology at the Bunny University, says, "Live and let live. Some bunnies like to nibble carrots, or hop around a bit, or be scratched behind the ears. Others like to look at pictures of their fellow bunnies in Hugh Hefner suits. And surely the world is big enough for both of us?"


  1. Anonymous1:16 am

    Nice post

  2. I like your rabbit I want also bunnies for my kid.
