Monday, April 07, 2008

It's freaking me out, man!

Nuns come from nunneries and cats frequently come from catteries; hats made by hatters can be found in a hattery. Simple, right? However: bats don't come from batteries, flatmates almost never come from a flattery, and you don't get a knack from a knackery, no matter how hard you might try. And when was the last time you tried to get a mat from a mattery? Do you know how hard it is?

Also: a pimp can be a pimper, but never a pimple; a wimp may whimper, but usually not in a wimple; a simple may simper, but not all simperers are simples.

It gets more complicated. Kipling may have eaten kippers, but what did kippers think about Kipling? You may coddle someone by feeding them cods, but not all who eat cods may feel coddled. Paradoxically, the cods may often not feel coddled at all about the whole affair. And while some adults commit adultery, not all heiresses commit heresy.

This whole post may seem to you to be a minor quibble. But did it, or did it not, come from a quibbly? Think about that, before you're so quick to dismiss!

Or, as Hillaire Belloc might say:

O! Let no-one ever, ever doubt
What nobody is sure about!

UPDATE! - People who earn interest are often uninteresting. I think we may be onto something here...


  1. Anonymous1:55 pm

    This reminds me of the joke Mr Coffee told me on the weekend (in relation to Margaret Thatcher), "Empires are ruled by emperors, Kingdoms are ruled by kings. Britain is a country."

  2. Somebody had to sink the Freudian Slipper in, eh?

  3. Anonymous2:12 pm

    Slippers slip ... and ....

  4. Brought from the Freudian Slippery!

  5. Wait... is this post just another excuse for you to mention wimples?

  6. Oh, you say that like it's a bad thing!

  7. You also get rats from ratteries. So can you get ferrets from ferreteries?

  8. Anonymous12:18 pm

    You can be dogged by a dog, but you are often dogged by many other things also.


    I've got to go, there's a jit giving me the jitters nearby.
