Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's like poetry, sort of

I just got a text message from my mother telling me about a television show that is going to be on ABC in a couple of weeks time.

I think this illustrates the dangers of science and technology. I'm almost sure the inventors of the mobile phone text message system never thought that this sort of thing would happen when they were putting it together...


  1. My mother and my sister (mum II) both nag me by sms because they know I'll happily ignore a ringing phone but am consumed by curiosity when I receive messages.

  2. Mum's only just got a mobile. I dread what happens when she discovers the secrets of the internet and email. Not to mention this blog.

  3. I just spent a week with my parents and was very careful - when enjoying their broadband - not to go near my blog. Heaven forbid if they found it!

  4. Cow wonders whether the inventors of the cell phone imagined the countless, loud, insignificant, meaningless phone conversations we are now subjected to while in any public place.


  5. Good for eavesdropping though.

    Nails, I confess that I'm toying with the idea of buying my folks some broadband for Christmas.

  6. Anonymous9:42 am

    If the inventors had even tried to imagine the meaningless of them messages I think their heads would've gone plop and they wouldn't have done any inventing.

    In fact even when I start trying to imagine the meaninglessness of just my own messages my head goes plop.

    I have to write my own meaningless messages when my brain is switched off and doesn't notice. Otherwise they overwhelm it.

  7. The other day I sent the word 'may'n't' in a text message. It was my finest hour. (My other finest hour, I mean.) I need to get out more.

  8. You are kind. Will they use it though or is it a convenience for when you visit?

    I was meant to get broadband for Christmas but ended up getting it myself - hence the Wii...

  9. Good question, Dad uses it a bit at the library and it's really annoying sometimes when I can't just email mum or my brother. And it's also good to have it as a convenience when I visit.

    Yeah, I have some selfish reasons for wanting to do this, but I do think that they'd really enjoy it. Maybe just a limited broadband service?

  10. Perhaps not too limited. My father (who has broadband because he has anger control issues and cannot cope with he crapness of dial-up) is having an affair with Google Earth. That must chew up some um...nerdy internet/money stuff...
