Monday, January 30, 2017

Biggest thing you've read all minute

Picking up on the theme of a previous post, here's an underexaggeration rap!

Underexaggeration rap

Yo look at me I'm a bigarsemothafucka
I'm bigger than a subatomic particle sucker -
I am wider than neutrinos I am taller than a quark
More light comes from me than a black cat in the dark!
Yo yo I'm really something I'm more real than a zero - 
Not just some something something, I'm a real something hero - 
I am smarter than a feather I am faster than a rock
I have more ironic subtlety than a case of electric shock - 
I am much more left than right I am much more right than wrong
And I'm super-duper long - like I'm longer than this song.  

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