Saturday, November 26, 2005

Tragic Mushrooms

I put Hawkwind on the CD player and went and put some mushrooms on the stove. In five minutes, they were done: and as I ate my mushrooms, with bread and sour cream, I contemplated how everyone who was anyone was mailing me, saying they could not make it to the blog Christmas drinks tonight at Carlton: and I wept.

Then I went and put The Ramones on the CD player and logged on to Hold The Button and clicked on my mouse. And, for some reason, that did not make me feel any better. At all.


  1. Well, maybe I didn't weep, physically ...

  2. I don't recall seeing any PR for your Carlton non-event. Very exclusive, it must have been. So exclusive that no-one went. Hmm. Maybe invite some of the peons next time...

  3. Oh, it was alright in the end. We turned up, we got drunk, I forgot to pour Rachel a drink, and Darlene took a photograph of the back of my head. Quiet little affair. Never intended to be anything special.

  4. In fact, several times that night, in fact, I poured myself a drink before other people, and I felt really bad> about it. Consideration and manners never went astray. 'Pon my word, I was an absolute swine. If there were such a thing as 'The Manners Police', I would have been executed by now.
