- I can't believe it, it's almost here at last!
- What?
- Thursday! What a wonderful day! I've been waiting for it for ages!
- ... since last Friday?
- Last Friday! For my whole life, more like!
- I mean, before that, the day would have been...
- A day like Thursday doesn't just come around every week. It's a very special, one-of-a-kind day, Thursday.
- But it was.
- What?
- Thursday.
- When?
- Before last Friday.
- How? No! Somebody would have noticed.
- It comes around every week or so. Pretty common knowledge. Nothing to get excited about.
- Not a day like Thursday.
- No?
- Not a special day like that. No. There's special Thursday banquets. Feasts. Usually you only get one or two in your life. It's pretty rare.
- Thursday?
- Of course.
- Well... what day do you think it was before last Friday?
- Wednesday.
- Who happened to Thursday?
- If a Thursday had happened last week, I think I'd have known.
- Right. So it went Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. So you're saying there was a Monday AND a Saturday last week? As well as there being a Thursday?
- Just how long do you think a week is
- Four.
- Four! (Swearing under breath)
- Unless there's a Thursday.
- Unless there's a...
- A Monday doesn't just happen every Tuesday, you know.
- (Spluttering)
- And Saturday only happens every third M...
- ANYWAY. So what were you planning to do on... this day you were waiting for?
- Thursday.
- Yes. Thursday. Which is tomorrow.
- Which is tomorrow.
- Yes. What were you planning to do on... on Thursday?
- Not much. Take the day off work. That's about it.
- Probably a good idea.