
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Laut Lout

'Lautgedicht' is German for 'Sound Poem' (it could also mean 'loud poem' though), in news which may or may not explain anything. 'Lautgesicht', the name of this poem, means 'Loudface'. Oh, come on, it's not like I haven't written a poem based on a stupid pun before, is it?


Deine Augen krachen, krachen,
Deine Wimpern klingen -
Wie Glocken groß, im Kirche Turm,
Die stark und lustig singen!

Und ach, der Wind von deinem Mund,
Dass immer so fort weht,
Wie Donnerklang, wie Sturm und Drang -
Ich frage mich, was geht?

Und dann, die Wangen! Heftige blasen
Von die Posaune schickt -
Ja, alles klar, ich höre noch

Anyway, now that I've lost your attention, if you're in Melbourne this Sunday, I'll have a poetry feature at The Motley Bauhaus, at their monthly 'P Word Poetry Sessions' - the event starts at 4 pm, I'll be reading later in the day: maybe around 6. Come and say hi!

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