
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Rate Myself

Rate My Students? Rate My Professor? What's the point of that? Such actions only lead to nastiness and crudeness. I think the nicest thing you could possibly do is rate yourself.

Here's my report card (by me).
Name: Tim Train

Tim demonstrates exceptional ability in smartness, brightness, quick-wittedness, and possesses exceptionally high amounts of The Genius Factor (tm). He is an excellent student.

Tim is the nicest person you could possibly meet! He is brilliant in many fields of Niceness, including generosity, honesty, morality, and careingness.

Gosh, isn't he nice?

It is without hesitation that I give Tim top marks in the attractiveness ratings. Well done, Tim - give yourself a big pat on the back!

General Comments
Tim is practically perfect in every way!

Rate yourself, in comments.


Shelley said...

[Placatingly] Yes, Tim, whatever you say..

Steve55 said...

Report Card On Steve

Average-ish. Better than OJ Simpson, though.

vague said...

Glad to see you got into the rating spirit! I am also very happy for you, seeing that you've scored so well under such a harsh critical eye! Pat on the back, indeed!

Today I am feeling like a 4 on wakefulness and a 3 on sprightliness. Sad. Must be time for a visit with Mrs. Nappington.

TimT said...

I am also very happy for you, seeing that you've scored so well under such a harsh critical eye!

Yes, I was rather worried for a while there.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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