
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The reason I am not a mainstream television producer

Here's an interesting video of Paul Henry

in which he demonstrates that, given a year to reflect over matters, and a sympathetic audience, and a good chance beforehand to decide what his answers are going to be, you can still come out looking like a bit of a putz. We're getting him here on Australian breakfast television, but let's be honest, it's not for his scathing analysis of breaking news. We're getting him because he's a guy who once said some little offensive things on New Zealand television and caused a big media shit storm in the process. Channel Ten are obviously hoping to replicate his success, but you can't exactly shout that out in the promos: 'COMING UP! THAT PRESENTER WHO IS JUST A TEENSY BIT RACIST!'

Actually, I rather think we should get him over here too, on the grounds that he clearly has a juvenile sense of humour, and I do too. Also I happen to like big media shit storms - just a little bit.

This is probably the reason I'm not a mainstream television producer. (That, and the fact that I don't really know, or care, about the identity of the daughter of the brother of the father of the aunty of the guy who plays B1 in Bananas in Pyjamas. I can't think of any other reason, none at all.)


Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

He is revolting. I am revolted.

TimT said...

It's funny how a guy can be so pleased with himself and yet have so little self-awareness at the same time.

Anonymous said...

....and there is a reason I am not a mainstream television viewer. What a truly repugnant smug set of people. I don't think any of them have the merest vestige of self-awareness.

TimT said...

Ah television, I used to watch that. I think of those times with fond nostalgia.

And then I actually see a bit of television and realise why I gave it up.

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