
Thursday, October 18, 2012

The blanc mange and the kafuffle

THE WORLD, THURSDAY - Barack Obama was the clear winner of yesterday's presidential debate, according to the clear opinion of a person who read the opinions of other people who watched the discussion of other people who surveyed the results of a forum of people who watched the debate. 

However, a dinner party of people who talked over an internet column which discussed the media coverage of the post-debate banter of some people who watched a small portion of some of the debate, agreed that the result was definitely too close to call. 

The debate over the debate between these two people has been moderated by a third group of people who watched some youtubes of people discussing the twitter posts of people who read the newspaper analysis of the presidential debate in order to ensure moderation and balance.  

However, it seems the debate over the debate, and the argument over the debate over the debate, and the haggling over the argument over the debate over the debate, and the tiff over the haggling over the argument over the debate over the debate, not to mention the kafuffle over the tiff over the haggling over the argument over the debate over the debate, and of course the blanc mange had after the kafuffle over the tiff over the haggling over the argument over the debate over the debate may well go on for days yet.

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