By Jove, Nadger! Get your wimple off our quidges! Mumsy might clasper to our racket!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Third time lucky?

Wake up from a dream about icecream but don't get out of bed to get breakfast. 

Wake up from a dream about making cheese but don't get out of bed to get breakfast. 

Wake up from a dream about pom poms and get out of bed to get breakfast. 

Clearly, pom poms make me ravenous. 


Anonymous said...

Poms- so good you have to say it twice.

Sir Pughberry Shuttleworth-Criggs OBE

TimT said...

I hear the French eat them. Pommes Anna, Pommes Frites, etc.

Caz said...

That's a guy thing.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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