
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yes, we still did

You may or may not remember what you were doing on that fateful day after the day after the day after the day after the day when Barack Obama was inaugurated as President. But you were still making history on that special occasion, in which momentuous events had recently happened, and the first African-American president of the United States had been inaugurated just a short while ago. Perhaps you were out walking the dog. Perhaps you were sleeping soundly in bed. Whatever it was you were definitely-doing-but-can't-quite-remember, important decisions that affected the fate of the world were undoubtedly in the process of being decisively thought about, on that very special day after the day after the day after the day after the day of the Inauguration.

Now, with this handsome day after the day after the day after the day after the day of the Inauguration commemoration plate, you can commemorate your lingering pleasure in those fateful-but-slightly-difficult-to-remember-events for all time, or perhaps for a slightly more convenient shorter period of time.

Basically, the only people who would not buy this plate are racists.

To purchase one of these fine and patriotic American plates, write to:, and we will put your plate in the mail right away!

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