
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Places I Go

In Belmont:

There is a Belmont Citi Centre

There are two Newcastle Permanent banks, probably under 300 metres from one another

There is an office marked 'Jim Hall, MP for Shortland'

There is a Caffe located in Hairy Cottage, Macquarie Street

There is a brick wall next to Hairy Cottage with a gigantic Go Lo logo on it

In Raymond Terrace:

There are two McDonalds, one as you go into town, the other as you go out

There are two Woolworth shopping plazas, each directly opposite to one another (they look exactly the same when you go in)

There is Glenelg Street, which has a palindromical name

There is a large area of town where skateboarders and bicycle riders have been banned and there is a piece of graffiti on the pavement in this area saying 'Skateboarding is not a crime'

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