
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Attention Thoughtful Right Wing Bloggers!

Tim Dunlop, the man who put out the call some months back for thoughtful right-wing bloggers, is at it again. He's written a long post explaining Australian politics from his own left-leaning perspective. He wants right-wing bloggers to respond.

If anyone would like to write an equivalent piece to this from a different political perspective, then I'd be happy to post it (if it's any good).

He certainly offers plenty of points for debate:

In fact, I know very few on the left who hate Howard personally

Their (the rights) self-image is built on a rather pathetic kind of victimology--led by the not-very-personally popular prime minister himself--where they imagine themselves to be at the mercy of a leftist conspiracy within the media...

And he also offers this quote by John Quiggin:

[T]he campaign and the outcome will be tied more closely to events in the United States than is usual, for two reasons. First, the current Australian government has been easily the most reliable supporter of the Bush Administration anywhere in the developed world (and probably anywhere in the world), even if no-one much outside Australia has noticed. It’s one of the few governments not to have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and John Howard was the first to answer Bush and Blair in the call for troops in Iraq.

So come on, Right wingers! Heed Tim Dunlop's call and send in a post!

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