
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Absolutely Degusting!

Once when I was walking through Beaumont Street in Newcastle, I saw a sign up outside a restaurant advertising 'Degustation nights, ever Thursday'. My first thought was that this sounded like a weird kind of stomach action, but when I looked it up in the Dictionary afterwards, this is what I found:

(say dee'gust)
verb (t) 1. Rare to taste, especially in order to appreciate the flavour and quality; savour.
--verb (i) 2. to have a taste. [Latin degustare]
--degustation (say deegust'ayshuhn), noun

One wonders what the sign would be when lobster was on the menu:

This Thursday, for your delectation - crustacean degustation!

Although, of course, for some people, I must make the observation, crustacean degustation would lead to gastric inflammation, and must thereby take sedation to stave off amputation ...


TimT said...

Possibly the most pointless post I have ever written.

TimT said...


That's the spirit!

Anonymous said...

That's the spiritATION. Get it right.

Caz said...

I think you do yourself a great dis-service by over-estimating yourself.

I have every confidence that you can and will write a more pointless post.

Set the bar low, very, very low: come on, you know you can do it. If any blogger can, it will be you. Yes, damn it, a little Aussie blogger can go lower than anyone!

TimT said...

Thank you, everyone, for your low expectations. I will solemnly try to live down to them.

ras said...

Pointless posts aside where is this Voltron vs Barbie post!

You tease! I'll start calling you Snidy!

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