
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reflections on the vanity of human wishes

Hello everyone! I like cheezels! How about you?

Well, I came across a website the other day that seemed to be suggesting the makers of cheezels, in order to increase the value of their product, were making the size of the hole in the cheezels bigger.

As marketing strategies go, I've seen worse - but not many. Increasing the size of the hole in the cheezels means, basically, less cheezel. So what's the point? It's like putting another hole in your donut because you like donuts. It's like increasing the size of your glass because you like a glass of beer. It's like decreasing the amount of bang for your buck to get more bang for your buck, basically.

Then I found out that I had misinterpreted what they were saying on the website. They were merely releasing a new range of cheezels instead of increasing the size of the hole. Hmm, silly me...

I still like cheezels!


Shelley said...

Damn, now I want cheezels.

It's like increasing the size of your glass because you like a glass of beer. Um, what's wrong with that...?

TimT said...

I'd rather have more beer than more glass. But it's a bad/vague analogy, true.

Shelley said...

Oh. I didn't see that interpretation at all.

Maria said...

So there are going to big hole cheezels and small hole cheezels, which leads me to conclude that cheezel makers may be some other kind of hole altogether.

I still like cheezels!

Anonymous said...

The cheezels with the larger holes are obviously designed to make wearing cheezel rings easier for those with larger fingers. One imagines the cheezel rings would also be easier to suck off one's fingers as a result. However, if one were to make a cheezel sandwich for dinner using the larger-ringed variety, the effect would doubtlessly be somewhat similar to the chip equivalent of those aero chocolate bars, which would not be at all pleasant.

TimT said...

They also have tiny party-like cheezels that have holes enough that are small enough for a fairy to put their fingers through, but no-one else.

Must admit, the cheezels these days only fit on my little finger - a big change from when I was a kid...

Shelley said...

I can still fit regular cheezels on my fingers. I was once asked how I managed to do anything with my hands when they're so little - not that I think they are, the someone's perspective was out - I had to reply that I'd never noticed them being difficult to use before..

Anonymous said...

The tiny cheezels would be for fun with one's pets, I would assume- or for starting one's kids on cheezel appreciation at an early ages- training cheezels. I have not had cheezels for a while and I should rectify that, for I have small hands and fingers and can do the five-ring binge quite fearlessly.

Today I discovered that Green & Black are doing Easter eggs, including (Oh frabulous day!) Maya Gold Easter eggs. I refrained for the time being, since I am on a partial detox program after a high tea on sat.

Anonymous said...

Musicians and artists often have large, well-formed hands- at least that's my observation and I always pay great attention to hands. It took a long time for me to learn to like my own hands, which are very bird-like and don't quite match the length of my arms.

M L Jassy said...

Does anyone like Baron's beer? Made by a local brewer (for those north of the border) and served in inner-city haunts. I'm fond of it and I'd like more Baron's beer than glass, unless of course the glass is schooner/pot-shaped.

Shelley said...

Mitzi, I had not heard of it before but I shall certainly investigate it now!

Can you recommend a haunt thqat matches the beer?

Proserpine - if that last comment was directed at me, well, I reserve the right to tease Tim until he tells me not to.

Anonymous said...

It was just a general comment about hands because I like those sorts of hands. Tim is certainly entitled to as much teasing as he does or doesn't like and it's his business to determine how much that is.

Anonymous said...

And I endorse Japanese beer, but only if it's been imported, as the locally made versions just aren't the same.

TimT said...

Cheezels certainly have a pullin' power for comments. Mitzi, I've never had the pleasure of having Barons, and am half wondering now if Resch's is still around, (after my flatmate mentioned it to me the other day as a NSW beer he'd had when visiting Sydney some years ago.)

I am a bit of a big-handed freak. Useful for pianoing, if nothing else. Mind you, I don't think I'm ever going to get super-stubby fingers - Dad has, I think he developed them when he used to work as a plumber.

TimT said...

Oh, all right, they're not *that* stubby.

Shelley said...

I'm pretty sure Resch's is still around. Still at my local even.


I love it when word verification comes up without a word. Maybe if I type in something random...

Ah, my random did not suit them - they sent me back chalsue. I confess myself delighted with the result.

Maria said...

I'm a little handed freak. Someone said I ought to give up the lawyering and be a hand-model, and go for kiddies commercials. I could do things like pretend to be a kid playing the piano. The trouble is being a little-handed freak I'm also very bad at piano.

Still, I'd be a good cheezel ring wearer. I should send my hands to the Cheezel company. I'd make a fortune. And I could forget the lawyering forever.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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