
Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Poll that Out Polls the Other Polls

Since we have an election here in Australia, I thought I'd put up a new poll - on my right. It asks - which candidate will you vote for in the coming election?
Of course, I've made it much more exciting than all those other political polls. For instance, I haven't confined myself to the real candidates. Certainly not! I mean, what the hell would an American reader be expected to know about John Howard? I think that fictional candidates are much more suitable in our multicultural and pluralistic society.
Also, people will be able to place multiple votes (one a day, actually). What use is a poll if you can't rig the results?

For the record, the candidates are:


Fluffy Bunny

Mr. Whoop-whoop-etc-etc, leader of the Extremely Silly Party (Australian branch)

Some other generic evil person

Some other communist

So go ahead and vote - do it before Voldemort makes you!

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