
Monday, February 06, 2006

Fog Blog

The Fog is a pleasant summer film about death, destruction, revenge, plague, and treachery. It contains several scenes with sadistic intent, several brutal death scenes, one scene which should deter you from doing the dishes forever, and one scene implying necrophilia.

The best actor in The Fog is the fog. Brought to you courtesy of CGI effects and a steam machine, the fog covers a small island community with murderous intent, and works its way through the town, wreaking havoc and slaughter wherever it goes. And, while it might be a little unfair to compare the abilities of Hollywood actors to the abilities of Hollywood CGI departments, I might single out Adrian Hough (who plays Father Malone), mostly because he dies in the film. Before he dies, he brings to the role hystrionic denial, followed by drunken despair, followed by stoic acceptance of his fate. Now that's the way a Christian should die (and isn't dying a big part of what being a Christian is all about)? Maggie Grace - playing lead female role Elizabeth - is also pretty good. Key scenes with her involve her wandering about the beach in her underwear (for no particular reason) and her snogging a corpse.

All in all, The Fog is an enjoyable film, suitable for freaks, deviants, chronic masturbators, sado-masochists, psychopathic serial killers, and your mum.

Go on. Take your mum to see it. You know you want to.


Tim said...

The preview was hilarious. Ooh, it's "the fog"! No, not vapourised water! Nooo!

TimT said...

Hey, man, don't knock The Fog. If you knock The Fog, it will wreak it's terrible, vaporous vengeance upon you. You see if I'm wrong!

Fatman said...

I'm a big John Carpenter fan (well, back in the day) so I saw the original. I really don't think there needed to be a remake- it's not like the film is tackling any heavy social issues.

Anonymous said...

I've taken me mum. Can't say she didn't enjoy it. Though, she told me to go off somewhere an' sit by meself. Good thing, too. Had me a presser squarin' at me fly durin' the good parts. Would I recommend takin' a mum? Sure. As long as she springs for the admission.

TimT said...


Do it. You must do this!

Anonymous said...


Mr Train sees another remake and the fatmat shoots him down

No seriously, I dont like horror movies, so i wont be taking my mum.

The necrophilia sounds interesting though...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I just can't picture it without the unforgettable Adrienne Barbeau & her trained cans

Tony said...

Before he dies, he brings to the role hystrionic denial, followed by drunken despair, followed by stoic acceptance of his fate.

Well, at least he has the role of movie preacher down pat. Tick. VG.

TimT said...

Adrienne Barbeau - so unforgettable that I can't remember her. I haven't seen the original. Nevertheless, after a quick google image search, I think I agree with you.

Raschuache, I remember there's a movie they play on SBS occasionally that has a bit of necrophilia in it. It's based on a Japanese ballad about a young lady searching for, erhm, satisfaction; the film ends up with her bonking someone's corpse.

Tony - yeah, that thought struck me as well. Still, he's one of the better actors (apart from The Fog, obviously).

Rachy, I've heard good and bad things about that film. I've got to try and get the DVD, or something.

Actually, speaking about horror, I think I'm suffering from Buffy-withdrawal at the moment. But you want to see something truly horrifying? Just switch on the telly tonight and watch Neighbours ...

Anonymous said...

With that ringing endorsement, I'll have to check it out!

TimT said...

What, Neighbours? :p

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes,

That cult movie, i saw it last time they showed it and remember the end vividly...necrophilia and incest if i remember correctly and after the end...cult movie guy says..."Well, Fuck me dead!"

hehehehe Classic, thanks for the memory

TimT said...

SBS just hasn't been the same since Des Mangan left. None of those New Movie Show wankers come anywhere near him.

Tony said...

Barbeau was in Escape From Ney Work, so at least she's got that going for her.

TimT said...

Wow ... she's got trained cans, and she was in Escape from New York - now wonder she's unforgettable. And I have never heard of her.

TimT said...

Alright! I admit it! I have no DVD player! *Weeps*

I've seen Crash. Read the book, too, for Uni. It's not very good. Just lots of sex scenes, only they're not told in a sexy way, just in a scientific and descriptive way. Oh, and there's a scene where they drop some tabs of acid and things get all hallucinogenic. That bit's alright.

Cronenberg started off by directing porn films, so Crash wasn't much of a stretch for him ...

TimT said...

It was just a generic subject - English literature 1900 -1960, or something like that. We also looked at some poetry by the 30s poets (Auden and his chums) and, most memorably, Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh - a piss-funny book.

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