Grogblogdrinkthing - it's still on this Saturday. You're all invited! Caz, Tim and Jon and James and Gem, and anyone else that cares to come along, this is a splendid opportunity to meet the fantastically beautiful and beautifully fantastic society that is the Melbourne blogset!
I'll be easy to recognise. I'll be wearing a fluoro green shirt that says, 'TERRORISTS: FUCK 'EM!'
Mail me (on timhtrain at if you want to know more and, um, are too lazy to click on the link (but, er, not lazy enough to email me)!
Come one, come all!
Ah bugger - I'll have to ditch out on this one, but would like to make a tentative promise to come to the next one - truly.
Agree with James though - notwithstanding that your fluro shirt with catchy logo SHOULD make you stand out, it just ain't a good enough guarantee!
There must be a way for everyone to lurk on a specified street corner, or stand outside some innocent persons house, until all bodies are accounted for, before venturing into a drinking establishment.
Caz, James - next time I'll wear this!
Hmmm Rachy, maybe mail the guy I got the t-shirt from. He seemed a pretty interesting dude. No other suggestions though.
Whoever stole it probably thought it was discriminating against culture-jamming terrorists, or whatever they're called.
They removed the roof?
Ah, an exceptionally wise move, considering Melbourne's inclement weather. I look forward to being rained upon. :) I love Melbourne!
Well since Tim hasn't mentioned me, I won't be coming. Actually, not sure I'll be there. Will see.
Of course, now Tim has been on Crikey's Blogwatch he will be the star of the piss-up.
I don't know about incidental blogs. I suspect there'll be a few 'coincidental' bloggers there.
James, sure, give us a buzz. Do I have your number? Mail me and I'll check in the morning.
Anya, there's several friends who I haven't been able to link. Still, love to see you there.
I'm still not sure why Crikey linked me - was it just a 'random' blog trawl they did of the blogosphere?
I had fun writing that piece, and I think there's some good things in there, but I'm not sure about the overall quality or readability.
Ah well. If a writer can't be angsty and neurotic every now and then, what's the world coming too?
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