A Collection of Post-Homeric Literature.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tip for the day

Eat lots of Smarties. This delicious food is healthy, enervating, good for the arteries, and, most importantly of all, slimming. Eat lots of Smarties today!


Anonymous said...

Smarties are all over now there are dark chocolate m&ms.

Shelley said...

I wonder there needs to be white chocolate at all...?

I wonder if lack of Smarties explains my almost complete braindeadness..?

Shelley said...

Er, what?

See comment immediately below about braindeadness.

Oh dear.

Caz said...

I have a big bag of M&Ms.

BTW - white chocolate isn't chocolate.

Mish said...

Is that an opinion or a fact?

Caz said...


White chocolate doesn't contain any cocoa solids, ipso facto, it isn't really chocolate. However, it is white.

It contains minimal amount of cocoa butter, but is mostly made with a variety of other fats and lots of sweetener.

Call it chocolate, if you will ...

Mish said...


Calling it 'white chocolate' sounds better than calling it 'white sugary substance with fats and sweeteners'. So yes I think I will stick with the word chocolate in that context.

TimT said...

There always the Milky Bar Kid!

*Thinks* Maybe I could market a brand of chocolate that is white, produced from eugenically selected and interbred cocoa plants. It's CHOCOLATE for RACISTS! Sure to be a hit on the KKK circuit!

Anonymous said...

Some might knock this as far as brushes with fame go, but my sister knew the horses in the Milky Bar KId ad. The white one was called Rocky. I myself gave Rocky a carrot a couple of times.

Caz said...

Quite impressive.

Although it would have been more impressive if you'd fed carrots to the Milky Bar Kid.

TimT said...

Maybe the government should enlist the Milky Bar Kid in their fight against childhood obesity.

'The Milky Bar Kid eats his vegetables. You should too!'

Caz said...

Ah, but then parents would become even more befuddled over food groups, not being entirely sure whether milky bars are, in fact, a vegetable.

Maria said...

I've been on an M&M diet recently. No wonder I gained weight.

TimT said...

If you need to cut back on those M&Ms, just eat Ms.

Caz said...

Dear Dr Train

What calorific savings would I make from consuming only the M versus the Ms, by which I mean: for a strict diet, would you recommend the former over the latter?

Email: timhtrain - at - yahoo.com.au

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