
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Puffing on his pipe in a nostalgic manner....

Growing up in Balranald, I didn't have many television stations to watch, just ABC and Southern Cross. The ABC, with a nightly episode of Doctor Who, was enough for me. I like to think that I saw through the Daleks straight away, as the inverted trash-cans on wheels that they were, but the Cybermen - well, they scared the hell out of me. Shiny silver men with hollow eyes? Creepy. No wonder I gravitated towards Dad's lap when they came on. Scary as they were, I kind of liked the Cybermats - slug-like silver metallic creatures made by the Cybermen that slunk around on the floor and jumped for your throat. Why? I guess it's because I thought they were Cyberman pets. Evil, homicidal pets that could turn you into a cyberman, true, but still pets. It seemed natural, really: humans had dogs and cats, cybermen had cybermats.

Why do I mention this now, you ask? Only because I have found the twenty-first century answer to the Cybermat...

Behold the horror that is the Cyberbunny!


TimT said...

The horror! The horror!

Ampersand Duck said...

What, scared of a wee bunny? You...

[argh ahh gaahh... [blood spurting from neck]]

Blandwagon said...

I can see I'm going to have to work on the bunny's PR. What's Max Markson's number these days?

TimT said...

Well. Things aren't looking so bad for the bunny, PR wise. Some people may not like it, but they fear and respect it: this has been the foundation for many a brutal dictatorship/centuries-long tyranny/Labor Party.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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