
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sickeningly sweet

No-one writes poems about cuddles,
Though cuddles are awfully nice: 
This lack of the cuddle befuddles. 
No-one writes poems about cuddles.
A cuddle is instantly double:
A cuddle made once is made twice. 
But no-one writes poems about cuddles,
Though cuddles are awfully nice. 

And cuddles have wonderful powers: 
Some people steer clear of mud puddles,
Preferring a field of flowers. 
But cuddles have wonderful powers - 
You could cuddle a puddle for hours. 
Find mud and get into a huddle,
For cuddles have wonderful powers:
Some people steer clear of mud puddles. 

Life's full of the most awful troubles
It's painful, it's sad, and it's rough. 
We could all do with a bit of a cuddle -
Life's full of the most awful troubles,
We get into some horrible muddles
About manners and morals and stuff -
Life's full of the most awful troubles: 
It's painful, it's sad, and it's rough. 

No-one writes poems about cuddles,
Though cuddles are awfully nice: 
This lack of the cuddle befuddles. 
No-one writes poems about cuddles.
A cuddle is instantly double:
A cuddle made once is made twice. 
But no-one writes poems about cuddles,
Though cuddles are awfully nice. 


TimT said...

Was a one-liner, became a villanelle, tried out as a rondeau redouble, ended up as a set of triolets, probably should have stayed a one-liner.

M L Jassy said...

A rhyming couple to say nothing could be finer/
than to read what happens when you try a one-liner.

Mish said...

This is officially my favourite poem.

TimT said...

Since a lot of my poems usually end up with a bit of blood and guts and/or explosions, I feel as if I've let everyone down with this one. But thanks!

Email: timhtrain - at -

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