
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Badly hung parliaments

Measured ambiguities from Julia Gillard, triumphant equivocation from Tony Abbott, Channel Nine reporters and guests all saying bland generalisations over one another for hours, ABC reporters admitting they have no freakin' idea what's going on.

Well that was all a furiously exciting lack of conclusion to the election, then.

UPDATE! - And no need to fight over who lost, Tony and Julia. You can both be the losers. It's nice to share.

UPDATE AGAIN! - Oh yeah. Newly-elected Greens MP Adam Bandt apparently has 'love' as a major policy, and Bob Brown delivers the victorious speech of a party leader who has delivered one MP in the lower house compared to the ALP and the Coalition, who got over 70 MPs in. He also said something about baby whales.


Mercurius Aulicus said...

I personally wished they both could lose. It looks like my wish was granted. However the only hung parliament that I want to see involves some lamp-posts and some lengths of hemp.

Ann ODyne said...

10am The Morning After pill is The Insiders. I cannot repress the image of those four huge black greek-chorus-like women behind as he tried to make a speech without 'victory' in it.
We all knew that Bennelong is a collectively-dopey electorate, and now fittingly, they have a matching representative.
Tennis anyone?

the WV is fugly!

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