
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Upon matters entomological, economical, and etymological

Upon recent botanical surveys of the environment in the immediate vicinity of our Lalorian provinces, local monitors could not fail to take note of the proliferation amongst the flora of a certain species of creature. The pertinent points about said creature were as follows: it was 'green', it was a 'bug', and we found it upon the 'vegetables'.

With all the zeal of the famous botanists and biologists of yore (whenever yore was) we immediately took these observations to that eminent entomological record otherwise known as the internet, thinking it was time to find the appellation of this curious specimen that habituated the foliage of our own environs, in the way that we have thus described - ie, being 'green', being a 'bug', and living upon 'vegetables'.

In the fullness of time*, our labours were rewarded with an answer - said 'green' 'bug' that lived upon 'vegetables' was, to all intents and purposes, labelled, denominated, symbolised, given the epithet, and, in a word, known as the GREEN VEGETABLE BUG.

Notwithstanding this disappointment, our monitors carried on their monitoring, and our researchers continued forth with their researches; for it was not only in our back or front yard that such entomological wonders were to be brought to the light. For, it seemed, upon conducting a strict economical stocktaking of the cupboard in the kitchen, otherwise known as the 'pantry', we came to be familiar with a number of small winged creatures, of the genera or species or whatever of 'moth'. Behold, for we had another creature to reward our entomological endeavours! A type of 'moth' that found its domicile in the 'pantry'! What curious nom-de-plume would we find for this 'moth' of the 'pantry', we wondered?

We immediately took ourselves once again to that eminent journal etc etc etc etc etc etc and presently the internet told us that those phantastical beasts that closeted themselves in our closet, those 'moths' of the 'pantry' were called none other than PANTRY MOTHS.

It was then that a heavy despair began to settle over our souls and we wondered whether or not it might be more profitable to spend our times scoffing the remaining Easter chocolate. Which we duly did.

*About five seconds. 


livebird said...

See also: Black House Spider. (However: do not confuse this with a spider that is only found in black houses.)

TimT said...

I'm adding it to The List.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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