
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Coming soon, to an ocular pleasure parlour near me!

Off to the movies tonight to see two splendid Marx Brothers films, At The Circus and A Night At The Opera. Now that's Marxism I can relate to!

And I want to thank you for all of the enjoyment you've taken out of it.

Before I speak, I have something important to say.

Wives are people who feel they don't dance enough.


One of my favourite writers, S J Perelman, was a writer for two Marx Brothers films, 'Monkey Business' and 'Horse Feathers'. This is what Groucho had to say about one of his books:
The minute I picked up your book, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it.
(Groucho Marx)

A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.

I married your mother because I wanted children. Imagine my disappointment when you arrived.

I've got the brain of a four year old. I'll bet he was glad to be rid of it.

I'm not a Marxist, but once I used to play chess against a guy called Marks. That doesn't count, does it?


Caz said...

Okay, now it's getting plain scary coming here.

Clever that you worked out how to get your page to be full sized (jeez I hate the fact that blog templates are long and skinny, as if trying to save electricity by not using up the WHOLE screen), but now you have no left or right navigations.

What next?

Anonymous said...

Lucky you! I've been thinking that I need to get some Marx brothers DVDs for calming purposes- it's either that or more knitting or kicking things at the gym.

I am envious, but I did have high tea at Darlinghurst today as part of the mothers' day festivities, so I'm a lucky girl.

I very much hope there will be a review.

TimT said...

Archives and what not are down at the bottom of the page. Review coming very soon...

Karen, High Tea! How perfectly ripping!

Anonymous said...

Yes, perfectly ripping, particularly for yours truly, as a tea fiend, and the other tea fiends in the family. However, as a tea fiend, I can be quite choosy and I find that high teas do not always meet my requirements. For instance: real flowers on table- bonus points, paper over table cloth- minus points, waiter with French accent- bonus points, waiter with French accent almost clobbers my mother with tray of sandwiches, followed by almost knocking me over shortly afterwards, without apology on either occasion- minus points.

That said, I did enjoy the darjeeling and the food was fresh (which is not always the case). I do hope to one day attend a high tea where my bone china fetish will be satisfied, although I know that this is an selfish desire to have, as it requires washing up by hand.

So sorry if you didn't want a review, but I am a tea fiend and two exclamation marks encourages me.

TimT said...

Karen, nothing could have given me greater pleasure than your incisive review of the High Tea you recently encountered (one presumes it is 'High Tea', in capital), with the obvious exception of receiving a High Tea itself.

Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks! Do watch out though- it is not beyond me to write a dissertation upon all the individual flavours.

High Tea should be in capitals. If you're going to start parsing the comments, we had all better be on our guard!

TimT said...

Heavens no, I couldn't begin to parse the comments: I make so many mistakes myself.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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