
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Office Worker Blues

This one's for all the office workers in the audience.

They're people you run into
On a city street -
Your eyes meet and you say hello but
It's not as if you meet.

It's the office worker blues,
Yeah, the office worker blues.

They're people you sit two seats away
From on a crowded train -
You'd like to say 'Hi. How are things?
Let's go walking in the rain.'
You don't of course. And though
Your train stop is the same
They take the alleyway to work,
You take the lane.

It's the office worker blues,
Yeah, the office worker blues.

They're people make you think of things
You'd like to do and say
Not that things would go too far, of course,
But you'd like to anyway.

It's the office worker blues,
Yeah, the office worker blues.

Because your work life is your work life is your work life
And you both remain
Work mates who who aren't real mates
But sometimes share a carriage
on the train.

It's the office worker blues,
Yeah, the office worker blues.

Perhaps your eyes will meet
Some day across a file
And without knowing it you'll
Either laugh or smile
Like holidayers waving
Across a lonely mile.

It's the office worker blues,
Yeah, the office worker blues.


Shelley said...

The pipe smoking baby is freaking me out.

TimT said...

Hover your mouse over the picture for a few seconds to get the full effect...

Shelley said...

The mumsy bit?

TimT said...

Well, technically, yes. I like the kid. Balances out the excessive amount of text below.

Shelley said...

Ecxessive amount of text? On a blog?

TimT said...

Yeah, and I know it's probably really hypocritical of me to say that as well. Even though my sense of formatting is non-existent and I couldn't organise my way out of a proverbial wet paper bag, I still think about format. Like to balance the text out with pictures.

TimT said...

Maybe you could catch some nerds and make them do your bidding by coercing them with strips of bacon.

Shelley said...

No, that never works. I quite fancy nerds - they sense it and run away as fast as their nerdy little legs can carry them.

It's nice to see them get some exercise.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not an office worker. And... I think I completely missed something, based on the other comments here.

TimT said...

Hey, don't knock office work! It's got many things to recommend it. Like...

Oh, no. I see what you mean. Well, proceed!

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