
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Little Blog Bits

- An overaffectionate teenager, a bewildered Melbourne blogger, and a bitchy Sydney blogger makes for ... comments about the 'situational nature of truth'. Honestly, sometimes I don't understand the blogosphere. I'm a Tim Blair-ite myself, but heaven knows, when he linked to the brilliant Ausculture a few days ago, some of the responses were downright dumb, or weird, or both.
The internet: a bunch of deaf people in a room, shouting at one another?

- I do love a good shitfight, and that's pretty much what's gone down at Sternezine in the last two days. The post that provoked this shitfight, by the way, is a corker: elegant, eloquent, and very, very funny. Tim Sterne's an exceptional writer, so if you haven't read Sternezine yet, why not start now?

- For some random reason*, the Comic Mummy is in New York, and she's blogging up a storm!

- Now linked: The Spin Zine, an occasional net publication by one of the best Aussie bloggers, Darlene Taylor. Some pieces of mine should be published in it - and one of them will be inspired by this post, by the marvellous Ms Jellyfish!

* 'Random' for the purposes of alliteration.


Anonymous said...

Tim, you big crawler. Errr, I'm not a blogger.

Thanks for the link.

I will updating the site (note - it's not a blog) over the next few days.

Currently featuring is a piece about blogs.

Armagnac Esq said...

You are indeed but a blogger, we know it when we see it!

Hah, more blogeral is announced...

TimT said...

'Big crawler?'

Ha, you didn't have to flatter me!

Jellyfish said...

Aw, Tim. You rock. You're so damn reasonable. Watch out or you'll give conservatives a good name.

Oh, and re. your other post, it's 'My God, my God, why have you abandonded me?'but you knew that, right?!

(PS- Not a blogger, eh? DENIAL!)

TimT said...

I knew it, but he didn't. *Points*

Shelley said...

That Ausculture thing was truly one of the most childish things I've ever seen. It was like a nasty schoolyard incident but lacking a principal with a cane. But, of course, not being a born-again-christian-right-wing-what-have-I-forgotten-whatever I can know nothing and think nothing and quite probably should commit suicide or something. Or did I miss the point of the various diatribes?

Anonymous said...

No, you didn't miss the point, though a lot of those commenters did.

Shelley said...

I don't think they did either. I strongly suspect that attack is all they do. But again, you know, they're all cleverer-better-educated-more-correct-about-everything than the rest of us...

Caz said...

I still don't understand why any blogs made a fuss about the school boy with the screw driver. I just thought it all very funny, and "quintessentially Australian" - by which I mean: in many other countries he would have at least been rugby tackled and beaten to a pulp, before being arrested. But then, in many other countries he wouldn't have been within spitting distance, let alone hugging mode of the country's leader.

I was also rather tickled that Howard got the joke (unlike so many stick in the mud pollies) when The Chaser team turned up a couple of days later with a pretend axe; an encouter that Howard hilariously ended with yet another hug. (I've seen Costello be similarly playful with The Chaser team.) Only in Oz, is what I thought, with a smile.

The Chaser encounter was even funnier than the school boy with a screw driver.

TimT said...

True, some bloggers are just in it for a fight.

Wish I'd seen that Chaser skit now.

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