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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Possible obituary #2

After all, it’s fun to talk about death. It’s such a life-affirming subject.


It is with sadness and regret that we announce the passing of former world conker champion, Ms Noreen Fuggles. Her motto in life was, as always, ‘I came, I saw, I conkered.’


Ann ODyne said...

"called to Glory after contact with a moving vehicle" implies that contacting said machinery is an act to achieve, to aspire to, one that we all should be so lucky to do.

thanks for the fun over there.
veni vidi blogi

M L Jassy said...

Conkers - the sport that should be included in an Autumn Olympics (joke borrowed from Dave Gorman, UK comedian.)

Dan the VespaMan said...

I like the one about the slightly illiterate tombstone engraver.......

"Here lies Arthur Smith
Born 1903 Dyed 1982
May he rest in piece"

TimT said...

Or that one about Oscar Wilde on his death bed declaring 'either that wallpaper goes or I go'. He went.

Ann ODyne said...

I love old cemetery headstones and there is one in Ballarat 'Old' cemetery which says of the remains within
'she sipped from the anodyne cup of life'

they don't write them that that anymore.

TimT said...

Can't really think of much else to say. Splendid obit.

Ann ODyne said...

upiling was, of course, the word verification.
Now that I am here again, here is a headstone from a cemetery near Ballarat -

'Mr J Daniel of Buninyong
Whose earthly probation
was suddenly terminated in the 47th year of his age
by the simple circumstance of his girth snapping.
Be ye also warned.'

TimT said...

I am warned, oh yes.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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