
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Fragments of Conversation I Overheard Yesterday While Transcribing Radio Interviews and On The Train

Jobs can get to you after a while. They become a second nature. I think I'm starting to instinctively note down random conversations of other people that I hear...

1. ... first began nursing, we had to start out by cleaning people's BEDPANS. And the young people of today ...

2. I may not be the brightest carbine light in the gas shaft, but you've got to get those kids thinkin'. Get the calculators out of the school-room, and get the MOYND workin', mate. Jumpin' kangaroos! What are they thinkin'?

Yeah, I'm with you, Don.

3. Hello. Hello? I'm at Jewell now. Yeah. JOOOOL! Alright. I'll see you at the shops in a few minutes. Alright? Yeah. I'll just walk down there an' see you in a few minutes. Alright? Alright?

4. No. No. No. I agree with you. No, it's good. And I support you in that, I fully support you. So I'm a happy girl! Alright.

5. No. If a guy grabs me on the bum at the nightclub, then oym foyne with that. Oy can deal with it. That's royt! Oym foyn. If I don't tell you about it, don't worry about it. But if oy say this goys bothering me, then you go ahead and beat him up!

Would you excuse me? I think I'll go outside for a while and bark at the next-door neighbours dog...


TimT said...

Yes, I did hear all these conversations. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty. No, they're not completely accurate. Yes, I do spend most of the day typing up boring things like stockmarket reports or Racing Central With Bruce Clark transcripts. No, I couldn't remember any of them. Yes, I do bark at the neighbours dog. We're becoming really good friends. Why are you looking at me like that?

Anonymous said...

A classic transcription of the Aussie diphthong Tim.

No need to leave out the names... I've already surmised they were Bruce, Shazza and probably Tracey and Wayne as well!

Anonymous said...

I think the Upfield line is one of the more interesting ones. The Pakenham has some... unique people, and the Broady is interesting, but all the same. For sheer variety, I'd go with the Upfield line.

Rachel Croucher said...

shouldn't you be off somewhere getting a, er, well, you know*... instead of blogging?

*refer to end of previous post

TimT said...

Dee - I think I may have overused the aussie accent a bit. No. 4 was an American arguing loudly over the mobile with someone. No. 5 was a couple of Greek extraction. After that classic conversational gem, they went on to talk about cars. Apparently the girl preferred manuals; the guy preferred automatics. So there you go.

Vikki - spoken like a true Melbourne train network connoiseur!

C&C, I don't know. I'm having too much fun barking at the dog next door.

Caz said...

Tim - in light of your last comment, perhaps it's best that you neither practice the required activities for breeding, nor actually breed. Although I'm sure some day you'll make a lovely role model for orphaned puppies.

TimT said...

That's a little harsh, Caz. I've never gone so far as to sniff other dogs bums, and I don't scratch behind my ears with my feet, except on Sundays.

TimT said...

Most of the time on the train, everybody's silent. I dunno, it's like they're at a funeral or something. But sometimes, they just can't help talking.

Guess I was just lucky to be on one of those ones.

Email: timhtrain - at -

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