
Friday, July 18, 2008

They walk amongst us

I just went into the toilets at work, and while I was there, another guy went into the cubicle next to mine. After I'd done what I needed to do, I got up to wash my hands. Just a bit afterwards, the guy got up too, and left the toilet - without washing his hands.

He's probably out there, right now. And he probably still hasn't washed his hands.

They walk amongst us, these people. Every day. There could be one sitting next to you - right now. You never know...

Gem has a post category called 'Important things the whole world should know'. This is one of those things.


Tim said...

A truly disgusting habit, but also disgustingly common. The thought of all those unwashed hand that have touched the public toilet door makes me feel ill. These people should be locked up.

Shelley said...

It's even more revolting in a pathology company. I have learned to accept the fact that some people were raised by wolves and to never ever touch anything unless I have to.

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...


He should be locked up.

TimT said...

I'm getting 'disgusting', 'revolting' , and 'depraved' pretty strongly here. First time I've noticed it at work - not that I go around noticing these things, deliberately...

Maria said...

I was reading a book recently called "What I wish I knew at eighteen"

Not one of the people mentioned "Wear gloves and wash them frequently because of those people who don't wash their hands.

I have this horrible image of men who've been at a urinal and then don't wash their hands. I haven't yet caught a female coming out of a cubicle and not using the basin (it seems to be a ritual - from the cubicle, go to the tap - so I'm thinking perhaps if you use the urinal there may be a temptation to not wash the hands)but I'm sure it happens.


colonel eggroll said...

I just found out that the ceo of my company doesn't wash his hands. pretty disgusting.

TimT said...

Bet he got promoted to that position by another person who didn't wash their hands, too.

Ampersand Duck said...

maybe it's a Masonic ritual - see how long you can go without washing your hands (and dying).

TimT said...

Brings new meaning to the Masonic handshake, doesn't it?

allie wilson said...

Hey! I wrote that book "What I Wish I Knew at Eighteen". In spite of it not having any tips on toilet hygeine (or the correct methods to hang, draw and quarter those who don't practice it) I still had fun writing it.
Then again, we did vet our interviewees for hand washing first...

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