The subject lines usually irritate me intensely; their moron-icity makes me wonder who on earth would be so dumb as to actually open one of them; but there is one spammer who tries hard with his Sender ID, usually similar to 'Slobbering B. Healthy', or 'Twittering S. Bend', although I am not sufficiently amused to open those either. But 'lootery' is gold.
And oddly enough, none of their stock tips are any good, nor do the vials of penile-enhancing unguents ever arrive. Not matter how many more Pounds I cable to their accounts!
Yes, I'm so taken with some of the names that I'll click on the email to see if they have anything different to say. There's no doubt that an eccentrically-worded email from the Princess of Nigeria provides a little creative entertainment in an otherwise dull day.
Ha Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
The subject lines usually irritate me intensely; their moron-icity makes me wonder who on earth would be so dumb as to actually open one of them; but there is one spammer who tries hard with his Sender ID, usually similar to
'Slobbering B. Healthy', or
'Twittering S. Bend',
although I am not sufficiently amused to open those either.
But 'lootery' is gold.
The Price Of Liberty Is Eternal Vigilance.
Oh I get some corkers at work:
Jelly H Reorganisations
Sodom Q Charlady
Humfrid I Philippine
Poky T Layers
And oddly enough, none of their stock tips are any good, nor do the vials of penile-enhancing unguents ever arrive. Not matter how many more Pounds I cable to their accounts!
You could have stuffed all the bank notes down your boxers for an impressive result Nottlesby.
Yes, I'm so taken with some of the names that I'll click on the email to see if they have anything different to say. There's no doubt that an eccentrically-worded email from the Princess of Nigeria provides a little creative entertainment in an otherwise dull day.
First comes Plunder, then comes Lightning.
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