
Friday, July 09, 2004


Well, whaddaya know? Harvey from Bad Example likes me:

Nevertheless, I read further and it got WORSE - he's looking for a job.

Oh. Dear. God.

I SO don't care about your miserable life. Boo-freakin'-hoo.

But a little further down, he won my heart:

But so far, I haven't found [a job]. So I've decided to use the power of blog to combat my perpetual state of unjoblessness. Each week, I'll put up a couple of posts about my trials and tribulations looking for work. Since I am a welfare recipient and beneficiary of the hard-earned taxes, due attention will be paid to my profligacy with your money. Every now and then, I'll post up some examples of my idleness and shriftlessness.

Like seeing a bum on a streetcorner with a sign that says "I won't lie. I need money for booze", I am impressed by this man's self-effacing honesty.

I love you too Harvey. And if you get me a job, I'll not only get you six of these, but I promise to pay you back all of those taxes that go into my $480 pension every fortnight. Every last microcent.
But no kiss for you.

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