
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If they're uncontacted, how about spectacles?

Following a link from David, I came across this article about the Last Uncontacted People in the World.

'Last' is a relatively, well, relative word in this context. Why do big international magazines always seem to pop up, every now and then, with an article on the last uncontacted people in the world? How uncontacted does a tribe have to be before they're included in these magazine articles on uncontacted people?

Such is the frequency with which 'last' uncontacted tribes pop up in these articles, one suspects the big international magazines of storing them away for future use, cramming them back in the forests for another three decades before recontacting the last uncontacted people in the world, again. But, you know, 'latest previously contacted tribe to be recontacted' doesn't exactly have the same attention-grabbing quality, I suppose. Or 'previously known tribe of people continue to exist in a relatively normal fashion' - who'd want to read that on their paper? One expects one's remote tribes to be precious, endangered, and all that. Certainly not continuing to live their lives as usual. That's just damned rude.

It'd be bloody annoying to be a member of one of the latest uncontacted tribes, though. Bloody hell, it's a magazine team again, better bring out the shrunken heads of the editors just to make a good show...

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