
Saturday, August 07, 2004


A mere four (or so) weeks after the launching of this exciting blog-project on the internet to find myself work via the blogosphere, I - um - appear to have found myself work without the aid of the blogosphere.
If it's any relief, it's part-time work - and I'm not sure how long it will last - and I'm still undergoing training at the moment - but it's a welcome change, and I'm hopeful that it should lead to something a little more permanent.
Briefly, I'll be writing reports for this organisation .
In light of this happy event, I'll have to start reconsidering the nature of this blog, so you may see a few changes in tone over the next couple of weeks. However, I still fully intend to keep it up to survey new work opportunities, so feel free to keep on sending suggestions through to me.

1 comment:

Gemnastics said...

Hey Tim, I got your mail yesterday! Your email address seems to not be working. Can u send me an email please?


Email: timhtrain - at -

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